Monday, August 10, 2009

Day 25: Heartbreak

Yesterday was nothing to write home about. I went to church, took a nap, went to the gym, had pasta dinner with friends, read, went to sleep.

Today, however, I will be less writing about, more venting about. I wake up early because I went to bed early and want to be productive. So I get up, have a bowl of weirdo Crunchy Nut Flakes and fart around for an hour or so. Then I finally get around to doing work and discover that there is tons to be done. I work for several hours trying to get caught up on my history notes and then have a salad for lunch with a tomato on it that I fear has gone bad. Oh well, I brush my teeth afterwards to get rid of the funky taste and then head to the library. You know what? I really hate libraries, but its close to my next class and I needed to get more reading done. This library is like all other depressing college libraries save the amazing view of the skyline from the 4th floor where I plop down at a desk and begin to read about the terrible lives led by the first convict settler people of Australia. Their joyless, abused lives are a real pick me up (not).

I leave for my next class early so I can actually find the thing because asking for directions after being in school two weeks would make me look like an intense loser. Apparently I look like a big lost loser anyway and a custodian guy with hardly any teeth asks me if I'm ok. So I go ahead and ask him where this classroom is and he kinda walks a few feet and points. Ok, cool. This classroom is weird and I'm really early so I pick some non-descript seat halfway back and towards the far right side. I have to fold out a chair to sit in it and then I have to fold out the desk in front of me. Basically after you've sat down, you're locked in until the end of lecture and everyone in front of you has folded up their chairs and desks.

Then I look at my phone and see that I have a text message. Its from Amber. She says that the lady won't let her off of work on Friday or Monday, thus we can't go to Fraser Island for my birthday. I AM CRUSHED. Really, I think I want to cry right there. I feel faint and hear sad music playing in my head. I write a letter to this day: "Dear Today, You suck. Much disdain, Kathryn." Then the lecture starts and its confusing and makes me worry about school because I really don't know what to expect when it comes to these Aussie professors grading my tests and papers. I could just fail the whole thing, who knows? And I stress about my birthday because birthdays really stress me out. I hate planning anything for them like parties and whatever. This one time in middle school I kinda threw together a birthday thing last minute and invited a few friends, none of which came except one. I've been afraid of my birthday every since. Luckily I had Erin etc in high school who always made me feel special on the bday, but no such thing exists here. And I REALLY REALLY wanted to go to Fraser Island. Ugh, sadness abounds.

I trudge home with my roommate Lindsey who is really good at being a Negative Nancy so we whine about our lives all the way home. Then I make a PB&J as some sort of comfort food and call Helen to accompany me to the co-op. The sky is really overcast and its really cold out, ew. On the way there I do stupid things like try to use my elbow to hit the crosswalk button and hurt myself. I swear, if I die in Australia it will be because I get hit by a car. J-walking here is an impossible feat because the cars come at you from all directions and all these directions are the wrong ones. Also, there is no neutral ground or halfway point to aim for. I almost died the first week here twice trying to get across the street. Anyhow, I get to the co-op and buy that beautiful rugby shirt I've been daydreaming about the past few weeks and this makes me feel better temporarily. I ran into Amber on the way back and we kick the pavement and have a mopefest because the daydream worthy miracle that is Fraser Island has slipped through our fingers. I die a little bit inside, or maybe that's just indigestion from my PB&J.

I need to go read more history nonsense so I can play trivia tonight. At least that's something to look forward to, right? Ehh..

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