Saturday, July 25, 2009

Day 12: Gloom

Last night I went to Cargobar. I danced to techno music, laughed at awkward European guys dancing, and got elbowed in the rib cage repeatedly by drunkos dancing. Standard. And you know how I have this weakness for late night eating, aka cheese fries (also occasionally Boot pizza, crepes, wings, etc)? So here, the late night eating establishments are kebob stands. They also sell greasy pizza, bready things, and some variation of cheese fries that I can’t bear to try yet. Anyway, I ended the night with one of these nasty pieces of pizza. Good job, fatty. I also met this nice Irish guy who I talked to for about an hour or so. He let me ramble on about psychology, so I was happy.

Anyway, I’m not too interested in recounting any of this because the inevitable has happened. I got hit with homesickness today. Wommmmmmp. I guess it’s the weather; its grey, drizzly, cold, and generally all kinds of nasty out. This is particularly upsetting because I absolutely have to trek over to the grocery store today. But yea, I’m homesick.

I miss my family. I went to a Methodist church this morning and I didn’t like singing hymns without having my mom stand next to me. Claire was on skype a little while ago so I rushed over to Gloria Jeans to try and get on the internet, but the connection was awful and I didn’t get to really talk to her. Plus it was embarrassing sitting in this coffee shop talking to my computer about how homesick I am. Mom and dad tried to talk for a minute too, but all I could hear was the sound of their voices and not really what they were saying. Oh, and their camera doesn’t really work, so to top it all off I couldn’t see them. It was all a huge tease.

In addition to missing my family, I miss my friends; A LOT. I miss having good friends. I’ve met so many people here that they all kind of run together and I’m having the hardest time remembering names. And there’s been no one that I’ve been particularly felt the “omg I wanna be your bestie” connection with. Homesickness makes me even more shy and the thought of running off by myself and being a loner is really appealing. Ha, I think I’ve had talks like this with Lindsey several times.

I want to have people around that say yall and don’t think its weird that I say yall. I’m sick of public transportation; I miss Sid a lot. The cold weather is cold and closed toed shoes are annoying. Paying $7 for a box of cereal makes me want to punch the check out people. I miss Reily, my bike, and the dirt running path at Audobon. Its driving me nuts that they use kJ here instead of calories so I have no idea how many calories I’m eating. My grouchiness is also giving me the worst urges to eat lots of anything I can get my hands on really. There’s a great added bonus if I ever saw one. Yea I could go on, but whatever.

I realize these things happen. They said something at orientation how our time here will probably follow a W shape with a steady decline into a valley because we’ll be homesick and then it will peak back up again. I like the analogy. I’ll quit whining now. I’m going to take a nap and hope the drizzle lets up so I can grocery shop without getting all wet. I’m sure I’ll feel better tomorrow; school starts (even though I don’t really have a schedule yet..) and I’m interviewing for my internship at the Brain and Mind Research Institute. I’m really excited about that. Its like the Annie song; and I really do hope the sun comes back out tomorrow because this weather is miz. Anyway, to my family and friends: I miss you heaps and love you even more!

>>UPDATE: After I woke up from my nap I ate a lot and played Trivial Pursuit w/my roommates and feel much better. Now I'm on to sweet dreams!

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