Sunday, July 19, 2009

Day 4: So Many Accents

I'm not in the second half of orientation right now because this orientation is like every other in that its mostly useless information and particularly boring. I will admit though, the accents of the speakers did hold my attention for awhile. The first part of it wasn't that bad at all actually. The hundreds of international students all met up in The Great Hall, a grand sandstone building which from the outside looks like a building from Harry Potter (my imagination's version) mixed with the Holy Name church at Loyola. The inside also looks like a church complete with stained glass windows and large paintings of all the chancellors lining the walls. The session ended with this adorable woman with a giant fur-lined coat draped over her shoulders calling out the countries everyone was from and people from that country would stand up and we'd all clap for them. America dominated, naturally; although Germany made a relatively comparable showing. After that little ceremony we had a break for morning tea. How adorable, right?

My roommates showed up last night, well most of them. 2 of them are still completely MIA and its weird because some of their stuff has been there since I arrived. One of my roommates is from Jersey and the other from New York and I like them both. I also finally met up with my other friends from Tulane today, which was great. I met a ton of people from all over the world, notably France, Holland, and the Netherlands. People from Europe are so pretty, especially the Scandinavians. They're all pale-blonde and fabulous.

During our lunch break they had the equivalent of the activities expo for us. Except here all the booths were for surf camps, scuba diving and the like. I can't hardly contain myself thinking about surf camp.

I think I'm about to go back to the Village and take a nap. I may actually be up for going out tonight, yet to be determined though. This place is crazy because our on campus apartments and the university itself is throwing events for us all next week starting w/trivia at our apartment's bar followed by a pub crawl on Monday and then there's some party or something every night thereafter. We'll see if I'm up to the challenge.

My roommates and I are considering getting a wireless router and buying internet service for our house that would probably end up being way cheaper than what the uni charges us and much more convenient than relying on internet cafes and things. We're also considering buying a heater. Wouldn't that be lovely.

1 comment:

  1. 1/2 of ScrobertMonday, July 20, 2009

    You never know who is peeking in on your blog!
    Last night I read the entire thing to Grandmother and Granddaddy and Scott sitting on the back terrace. Quite amusing. We will be following your (mis)adventures with joy. Love ya!
