Word got back to me that I made mom cry with the last post, so I’ll try to be a better daughter in this one. Haha. So, like I said at the end of the last post, after my nap I woke up feeling much less gloomy. It was still yucky outside though so I decided to forgo journeying to the store and instead had PB&J (my new best friend) and played Trivial Pursuit with my roommates. (Incase you’re wondering I was first to fill up my pie plate but couldn’t roll exact to get into the middle and ended up getting beat, boo.) Then after the others had gone to bed, Violetta and I stayed up to pig out on cookies and cream ice cream. They make it with butter milk here and its quite delicious.
I woke up Monday and sprang out of bed because it was the first day of class and I was SO excited. My schedule needed tweaking so Helen and I started off at the International Office to take care of that bright and early. I got my schedule and I really don’t like it because, call me a dork, but I don’t go to class enough. I have class all day Monday and then hardly at all the rest of the week. Like once a day and not at all on Friday. I think one of my classes doesn’t even start until week 7. So I didn’t go to class yesterday because the only one I had that actually started yesterday was at the same time as my interview with BMRI. The interview was interesting. I have no idea how I did because I didn’t really do anything, they basically just sat there and told me all about their institution and I just kind of nodded my head and said “mmhmm” while they went on and on for a good 30 min. I told them I could start this week but that was before I got an interview with this cool political grassroots organization that isn’t affiliated with a party called GetUp Australia. So we’ll see how all of this pans out. If I end up not getting an internship, that wouldn’t be so bad either as I’m now trying to take on more classes so I actually have some to go to.
After interviewing and running around trying to find a tutorial that doesn’t start until next week, I had a rather successful grocery store outing. I finally got myself some reusable tote bags which are not only environmentally friendly, they also make carrying groceries the 200km back to the apartment much easier. After I got back and put the groceries away, a few of us went and got some takeaway Thai food, yes they call it takeaway instead of togo. And interestingly enough, Thai food is like THE food around here. Really, you couldn’t go a block down King Street without passing at least 3 of them. My first Thai food experience was not that great. The stuff I got had peanut sauce on it which was weirdly sweet and slightly nauseating and I thought the pad Thai tasted like plastic. This is all very unfortunate as I paid $10 and signed up for this group outing Thai dinner tonight. Ha, wish me luck.
I digress. Anyway, so we took our food back to The Well which is our complex’s bar for Monday night trivia. Yes, they have trivia every Monday and yes, you can charge drinks to your U-card. Sa-weet. Also sweet is the fact that they charge normal prices for beer as in you can get a Toohey’s Extra Dry for $3. I don’t know if I mentioned this in another entry, but oddly enough Corona is very popular here. They don’t offer tons of imported stuff, but every bar has Corona; which I think is weird. Oh and they put lemons in it, also very weird. I like Corona and all, but I feel like I didn’t come all the way to Australia to drink over priced Corona.
I digress again. So we ended up meeting some really cool people and formed an unstopp
able trivia team called “A dingo ate my baby!” And by unstoppable, I mean we came in somewhere around third to last. But we all committed to meeting up again next Monday and making another attempt at domination. Following trivia the RA’s took us on a pub crawl. I love it, that would be the very last thing your RA would ever officially be able to do in America. All in all, a pretty splendiforus night, except that upon leaving our complex’s bar I had to pay double for my Toohey’s.
This morning I got woken up by a text from that really annoying dude that I’ve been blowing off for a solid week now. He refered to me as “kath” and “sweetie” in this particular text message, so that hit my hot button times 5. Don’t wake me up and then call me kath and sweetie, have some decency! I learned my lesson though, never have your phone out when giving someone a wrong number. A little later the Irish guy that let me talk about psych for ever asked me out. This is really burning up my pre-paid minutes. Haha. He was really nice though, so apparently we’re going to drinks tomorrow at this nice place. You all know how awkward I am so this should be good times, or maybe really bad times, yeeps. I honestly can’t help but join you in laughing at myself right now.
I succeeded in joining the gym yesterday. All the pub crawling, European chocolate, and delicious (affordable) fresh baked bread is starting to worry me. So I swear I’m headed there right now. I have goals: to be rock solid by next month for beach weather.
I woke up Monday and sprang out of bed because it was the first day of class and I was SO excited. My schedule needed tweaking so Helen and I started off at the International Office to take care of that bright and early. I got my schedule and I really don’t like it because, call me a dork, but I don’t go to class enough. I have class all day Monday and then hardly at all the rest of the week. Like once a day and not at all on Friday. I think one of my classes doesn’t even start until week 7. So I didn’t go to class yesterday because the only one I had that actually started yesterday was at the same time as my interview with BMRI. The interview was interesting. I have no idea how I did because I didn’t really do anything, they basically just sat there and told me all about their institution and I just kind of nodded my head and said “mmhmm” while they went on and on for a good 30 min. I told them I could start this week but that was before I got an interview with this cool political grassroots organization that isn’t affiliated with a party called GetUp Australia. So we’ll see how all of this pans out. If I end up not getting an internship, that wouldn’t be so bad either as I’m now trying to take on more classes so I actually have some to go to.
After interviewing and running around trying to find a tutorial that doesn’t start until next week, I had a rather successful grocery store outing. I finally got myself some reusable tote bags which are not only environmentally friendly, they also make carrying groceries the 200km back to the apartment much easier. After I got back and put the groceries away, a few of us went and got some takeaway Thai food, yes they call it takeaway instead of togo. And interestingly enough, Thai food is like THE food around here. Really, you couldn’t go a block down King Street without passing at least 3 of them. My first Thai food experience was not that great. The stuff I got had peanut sauce on it which was weirdly sweet and slightly nauseating and I thought the pad Thai tasted like plastic. This is all very unfortunate as I paid $10 and signed up for this group outing Thai dinner tonight. Ha, wish me luck.
I digress. Anyway, so we took our food back to The Well which is our complex’s bar for Monday night trivia. Yes, they have trivia every Monday and yes, you can charge drinks to your U-card. Sa-weet. Also sweet is the fact that they charge normal prices for beer as in you can get a Toohey’s Extra Dry for $3. I don’t know if I mentioned this in another entry, but oddly enough Corona is very popular here. They don’t offer tons of imported stuff, but every bar has Corona; which I think is weird. Oh and they put lemons in it, also very weird. I like Corona and all, but I feel like I didn’t come all the way to Australia to drink over priced Corona.
I digress again. So we ended up meeting some really cool people and formed an unstopp
This morning I got woken up by a text from that really annoying dude that I’ve been blowing off for a solid week now. He refered to me as “kath” and “sweetie” in this particular text message, so that hit my hot button times 5. Don’t wake me up and then call me kath and sweetie, have some decency! I learned my lesson though, never have your phone out when giving someone a wrong number. A little later the Irish guy that let me talk about psych for ever asked me out. This is really burning up my pre-paid minutes. Haha. He was really nice though, so apparently we’re going to drinks tomorrow at this nice place. You all know how awkward I am so this should be good times, or maybe really bad times, yeeps. I honestly can’t help but join you in laughing at myself right now.
I succeeded in joining the gym yesterday. All the pub crawling, European chocolate, and delicious (affordable) fresh baked bread is starting to worry me. So I swear I’m headed there right now. I have goals: to be rock solid by next month for beach weather.
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