Friday, July 17, 2009

Day 1: I only thought I was poor in nola..

I MADE IT TO AUSTRALIA! In one piece, and I slept so much on the plane (about 9-10 hours) so I'm not even feeling the jet lag, yet anyway. I got a wonderful view of the harbor bridge and opera house in the predawn light as we were descending to the airport.

Wow, I had a really hard day that started around 3am when I finally came out of my coma on the plane. I'm automatically below the poverty line as a half gallon of milk (or its metric kindof equivalent) costs $5, a large box of cereal $7, and a pack of hangers $12. By the way this is at Target and KMart. Helen and I had to trek across campus from our apartments and then lug the stuff back in a laundry basket I bought. Many people stared at us. Sydney Uni, as they call it, charges us by the KB to use the internet and I obviously can't afford that except in emergency situations so I can't use the internet at my apartment or on campus. Instead I bought a membership at this internet cafe in which I currently sit which is also a considerable distance from where I live. I suppose the good news is between not being able to afford food and having to walk 7 miles to a computer, I won't have to worry about gaining weight. I don't have a phone and don't have many prospects on getting one within the next few days as that will cost me dearly as well. Thank God the exchange rate is in our favor. I also couldn't find converters today, the one store that had them was closed by the time I made it there so I can't plug anything in.

My breaking point happened when I went to put sheet on my bed that I brought from home. I was feeling very smug that I did this while in the store as sheets cost around $40 for the cheap ones. Turns out there twin size mattress equivalents are just bigger than ours so that my sheet wouldn't fit on the bed. I had quite the outburst.

After that though, I really couldn't help but laugh at myself and this day. I really am happy to be here although I realize its going to take a lot of getting used to. I never thought I'd say that I miss Walmart and all of its wonderfully low prices. All the Australians are wonderfully sweet people. I haven't really met many my age, but I've bothered adults basically as often as possible and they've all been very helpful and pleasant.

I'm sure you're wondering how my gimpy toe is doing. Well, not so great. And its kind of making me look like a tool bag wearing flip-flops around in the winter. I guess if I'm being honest though, I usually do that anyway.
(the picture is me on the "trampscalator" with my shopping cart full of over-priced goods. you can bring one shopping cart all over the mall w/you via the trampscalators. ok that's not the real name but I can't remember what is, and I feel like that's close.)

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