Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Day 76: The Cleverest Thing

This week has been madness. I had a pretty full out meltdown yesterday under the pressure of being behind at work, my school work (!!!!IO@U#OU*)@#&@), messing up my visa, trying to plan my final safari, being single, etc. etc. Coming home from a hectic workday to do school work is the WORST. I don't wish it upon anybody. But its ok, God is gracious. Tomorrow is a public holiday: Human Rights Day. I will be celebrating by doing LOTS of schoolwork. Anyway, I get to sleep late tomorrow before I get up and do that so I went out tonight.

I don't think I've ever home from the bars and blogged, but this story warrants it.
I'm out with friends in Observatory tonight. I go up to the bar to get a drink and strategically place myself in between a couple of attractive fellows. The guy on my left starts talking to me and a minute later the guy on my right interrupts him to say something to me. I like his watch so I decide to talk to him. Turns out he bought it at Target when he visited the states once. My watch is from Target TOO! He says he wants to play a game. I think that could be weird but say ok if he'll explain to me what this game is. The game is that he will ask me five questions. If I get them wrong, then he'll buy me a drink and if I get any of them right, I buy him a shot. I say sure, that sounds fair enough to me. The question game dialogue goes like this:

Him: What city are we in?
Me: Joburg.
Him: Ha, everyone says Joburg. Ok. What's your name?
Me: Meredith.
Him: That was creative.... Ok... um, what month is it?
Me: October
Him. Ha wrong again... (hesitates, scratches head and all that)... Wait, what question are we on??
Me: Three!

And that right there folks is the RIGHT answer. I lose. I feel so incredibly tricked that I buy the guy a shot with the last money I have in my wallet. Too clever, right?! You can try that at home.

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