On Friday Amber and I go shopping like we had planned all week. We catch the bus down to Paddy's market where they sell lots of touristy stuff. Its almost time to start thinking about souvenirs...She broke her sunglasses right as we left the village so we end up at this sunglasses stall, and then I see them: fake glasses. I have been looking for a good pair of fake glasses since I wore mine so much in high school until I scratched the lenses too bad to see through them. We try on a few and each buy a pair. We spend the rest of the afternoon shopping, running around Chinatown, and eating sushi before heading back to the village to catch a nap before the big night we have planned in the rocks.
At 7 we go to Kuletto's for their buy one get one free cocktail happy hour with Amber's sister, Tim, and Aki. Amber and I get a brilliant idea for a themed outing involving our new glasses. Amber borrows my red dress and I just so happened to buy the most perfect black skirt while out shopping earlier. Pair that with the glasses and bam: Amber is a primary school teacher and I'm a secretary. The group meets up at my apartment and we go catch a bus down to the rocks. Our first stop is a German restaurant/bar called Lowenbrau; its Oktoberfest! We get inside and I see people walking around with these massive beer mugs, turns out they sell beer in liter mugs! I beeline for the bar, must have one. Its really crowded, but I finally make it up to the bar and ask for a big ol liter of Lowenbrau brew. And the bartender goes,"Sorry, we stop serving those after 11." I look at my watch and its barely 11:05. Grrr. Ok, fine. I'll have the 0.8 liter mug. So he gets me one of those and it isn't even filled all the way up. I kind of politely (ok not really) ask him if he wouldn't mind filling it up all the way. He says no. He obviously doesn't like secretaries. Other people do though and Amber and I get lots of giggles telling people about our professions. We stay there for a quite awhile as its such a good time. Then someone
Whoever the genius was that suggested we leave took us to this other bar that was closed. Brilliant. As we wander back down the street, a few of us notice the sound of salsa music floating forth from some building. It draws us in and we find ourselves in this hoppin' Latin club. Tim gives me a crash course in salsa and we end up having a phenomenal time salsa dancing into the wee hours of the morning. At one point this large old Chilean dude is dancing with Amber and I feel its my friend duty to cut in so Tim can dance with her. Well end up really taking one for the team, he like tries to kiss me. Ew, so not comfortable with this, haha. The song ends shortly and I bolt. We all decide its time to go and oh wonder of wonders, this Latin club is located right above the ever wonderful Pancakes on the Rocks. (The fancy rocks version of IHOP that is also 24hr.) Amber and I split a crepe and fries. Everyone is quite satisfied and we start off to try and find a cab home. We can't decide if we're going to try and fit everyone in a normal cab, which is tricky because its illegal, or find a maxi taxi, which is also a bit tricky. Meanwhile, my feet are killing me so I waddle down the street before finally taking my shoes off. Oh and then I decide it would be a good idea to walk into this convenience store that I see and buy myself a Cornetto. Bloody brilliant Kathryn, you late night eater. Oh well, spring break is over and I eat whatever I want!! Soon we find our maxi taxi and are on the road back to Newtown. Fabulous night.
The next "morning" I get up at noon and Amber and I go over to Matthew's house for the first weekly pancake feast. We have a delicious spread of pancakes with fruit, syrup, ice cream, butter, etc. I end up eating more pancakes than everybody, even the boys. People think its really amusing that I'm such a garbage disposal. I go park my bloated behind on the couch and someone pops in a dvd that we continue to watch the rest of the afternoon until Darren says,"Man, I could go for some pizza." I quickly echo that sentiment and pizza is on its way to the house. I eat half a pizza then roll back to my apartment around 5 with the intention of going to bed. Instead I take a few painstaking hours to update my blog and eat a poptart, THEN I make it bed around 10. And I slept until 9 this morning and then managed to sloth around until 3 using class as an excuse to get dressed and leave my room. It has been a fabulous few days indeed.
Omg 6 weeks left in Sydney! Hit the panic button!